
What are Wards in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands?

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands takes the humor and gunplay of the Borderlands series and blends it with fantasy themes. While guns may seem weird in this tabletop-influenced game, a wave of the hand does away with any skepticism. But when you are getting shot at, you will want to make sure you have a Ward.

In Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, Wards function as magic shields that absorb bullets and blades to protect you. After sustaining enough damage, though, your Ward can break and need to recharge. There are different types of Wards in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands that you can choose from.

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All Wards in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands

There are three manufacturers of Wards in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands. These are Ashen, Pangoblin, Hyperius. According to the official Tiny Tina's Wonderlands website, here are all Wards and what they do in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands.

  • Ashen Wards: Ashen Wards are quick to recharge when broken, so you can duck in and out of combat without fear of mortal injuries. The tradeoff for this rapid recharging is a lower max capacity, so don't assume you'll survive should you decide to waltz into the midst of an enemy horde.
  • Pangoblin: The tinkerers at Pangoblin like to make Wards with boosted shield capacity, so you can laugh in your enemy's faces as they fruitlessly try to stab you to death. But you may want to run and hide if and when your Ward breaks, as it'll take longer to recharge.
  • Hyperius: Hyperius' Wards offer bonuses when you've kept your shield in pristine condition. For example, they might deliver a crackling electric shock to the first enemy who strikes you, or empower the first shot from your gun with increased damage at the cost of some of your Ward's energy.

For more information on Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, check out Can you change your secondary class in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands and What are Mimics in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands? on Pro Game Guides.


Tandra Barner

Update: 2023-01-02