
Roblox Arsenal Tips & Tricks – How-to Win!

If you're looking to increase your skill level in Arsenal, then I've got a bunch of tips and tricks on how you can get better! I've played a lot of FPS games in the past, so I picked up Arsenal pretty quick. However, if this is one of your first shooter games, then you might not know some of the fundamentals on surviving and getting eliminations! These strategies should have you increasing your placements, and maybe even winning yourself some games!

Arsenal Tips & Tricks

Here's a look at a bunch of tips and tricks that I use each time I play the game.

Change Your Crosshair Color

You can do this in the Settings area of Arsenal under Display. Pick a color that doesn't show up often on any of the maps. I, for instance, use a bright pink crosshair, because this shows up well on all backgrounds. In other games I've seen people opt for a bright green that stands out pretty well. The whole point of this is just making sure it never blends into the background so you can see it clearly at all times. This just helps you know where you're firing at when you are shooting.

Assists Count as Much as Solo Eliminations

One of the most important aspects to winning in Arsenal is understanding that most assisted eliminations count just as much as a solo one does. So, if you do 5 damage to a player and your teammate finishes them off, then you will still change your weapon. That's important because that means we need to hit people with just the slightest bit of damage to get credit. We're looking to cycle through guns as fast as possible, so if you're with a teammate or two, just make sure you get a bit of damage on the enemy and it should count towards your level!

Use Cover

Cover is anything that gets in the way of your enemy's gunfire getting at you! So, that could be a box, car, wall, or anything else that you can keep in front of you that will block bullets. Use this when you're reloading or if you have a weapon that fires slowly. Only show yourself when you're ready to fire at them, because anytime you are out in the open and can't shoot you are just a defenseless target!

Use High Ground

The high ground is incredibly important in shooting games! This is because when you fire down at an opponent, they can only target part of you where you can target all of them. You are partially blocked by the surface you are on, so it makes it harder for them to shoot you. If it's quickly and safely available, you should always try to get higher than your opponent. I say safely because if you are on a ladder, then you are an easy target if an enemy is around.

Another reason to use high ground is because it's the best for sneaking up on an enemy. You can use this to more easily get a melee or golden melee elimination. Try to jump behind your foe and sneak up on them with your melee weapon!

Grab Health After an Elimination

A big key to surviving after a fight is to pick up the green bottle that drops from the enemy you took out! This will heal you up some and get you back into fighting shape. I have noticed the health doesn't always pick up when I walk over it, so you have to really make sure to kind of pause on it to make sure it picks up.

Know Your Weapons

It's important to have a general sense of how weapons work. Here's a quick overview of the types of weapons you'll come across and how best to use them.


In most FPS games, Pistols are usually pretty weak because they don't do great damage and they aren't that good from far away. However, in Arsenal they appear to do just as much damage from distance as they do up close. That's pretty significant and makes them not too bad to use. The key with pistols is to largely try to just aim for headshots and slow down your shots. Try to peak out just barely from cover and snap off a quick shot when possible. If they are just running towards you then that's when you can just fire like crazy at them.


These generally fire a spread of bullets and are usually much weaker at long range. So, try to avoid shooting at players that are far away when you have a shotgun (unless you just need to get damage on someone). You will want to try and close the distance between you and the player if they are at a distance. So, try to run between cover to get to them and avoid getting shot. Once you're close enough, try to make sure the full amount of your bullets hits the player when you fire!


There's a lot of different rifles in this game and they can shoot quite quickly. These are likely the easiest weapons to use because you can just hold down the fire button and aim it towards someone and it should take them out. Try to just keep your aim under control because your crosshairs will jump around a bit when firing.

Sniper Rifle

Anything with a scope and the loss of your crosshair we'll call a Sniper Rifle in Arsenal. You pretty much want to try and stay far away from the enemy and use the scope to hit them with your shots. You won't always have this luxury though, so if they are close don't bother scoping and just try to fire at them using the middle of your screen as your crosshair. This is something you learn with experience, try to get a sense of where you think your crosshair should be and fire based on that.

Explosive Weapons

These are really fun and powerful in Arsenal. This is stuff like Rocket Launchers and Concussion Rifles. One of the best things you can do with these is jump up and shoot the ground beneath you. This will propel you upwards and you can either fire down at your enemy from the sky or land on a roof. Most players will not expect people to do this so you can generally get some easy eliminations this way. It can take some practice, but try it out next time and see what you can do!

Thrown Weapons

Things like pizza, baseballs, ninja stars, and all other sorts of weird weapons. The majority of these are "projectile" weapons. That just means they don't travel instantly to their target and they will eventually lose velocity and head into the ground. So, try to get close to people when you're using these, and if you're far away you need to aim higher so it reaches the target.

Use Melee More Often

You want to take advantage of melee as much as possible, because if you can get a melee finish on someone they go back a level and you gain a level! Try to use high ground if possible and jump down behind a player. If you can melee them in the back, it will be an instant elimination. Avoid any melee 1-on-1 battles because you don't want to lose a level.

Run With Your Melee Weapon Out

A lot of weapons make you run a quite a bit slower than normal, so to alleviate this you should run with your melee weapon out if there are no nearby enemies. This is a bit dangerous, but if you're going for wins you need to get eliminations as fast as possible, so you can't be walking around slow with a large weapon out. I try to take out my weapon only when I think someone is going to be coming around a corner or I'm going to be peeking around a corner.

Know the Spawn Locations

The true key to victory in Arsenal is knowing the spawn locations of each map. You will pick these up in time, but you need to understand there's only a certain amount of spots people will spawn. Enemy players will generally only spawn AWAY from you and your teammates. So, if your team just wiped out a group of enemies, you can guarantee that they spawned on the other side of the map. That means you need to take out your melee weapon and run as fast as you can to that side. If you know where a common spawn location is at, you can run to that area and very likely run into some people to eliminate.

Watch Teammate Names

Another way to know if there's an enemy nearby is to watch your teammate's names. You can see these through walls, if one disappears, you know they were eliminated by an enemy so you can expect someone in that location. This allows you to easily find people to slay! You can also use this to find out where enemies aren't located! If you see a group of your teammates names in an area, that likely means there are no enemies there at the moment because they will spawn in the opposite area of the map!

PC Only Tricks

I play the game on a computer, so I have some additional tricks that will only be relevant for PC players.

How-to Aim Better

One of the most important things that will help yous tart aiming better in shooter games is lowering your sensitivity on the mouse. Most esports players play with a low sensitivity, so you should lower your DPI settings on your mouse if you have that option. I run at 800 DPI as an example. I also have my Camera Sensitivity in Roblox particularly low, it is currently set at 0.20015 on my PC. You can play with your numbers and see what feels comfortable for you. It will feel pretty slow at first, but you will get used to it and it should increase your accuracy!

Use Q to Switch to Melee

The Q key is one of the easiest to reach keys on your keyboard when you're playing a shooter. If you hit the Q you will immediately swap to your melee, and if you hit it again you will swap back to your other weapon. Melee is much better then people think, so try to utilize it when you can.

Be sure to also check out our Arsenal Codes, how to get the Karambit, how to double jump, and how to get the megaphone guides!


Florance Siggers

Update: 2022-12-10