
How to get a blank name in Among Us – Invisible Name!

Some players might be looking to get every advantage they can, and one of those might be to make their name harder to read. This is possible and can be done in Among Us at the moment. I would say it's a little on the side of cheating, but it's up to you if you want to give yourself a leg up against the competition.

The problem really lies in the fact that some have a hard time describing the color they might have saw. This is the case with the Cyan colored character, and it can be a problem for people who are colorblind. The developers of Among Us are actually planning on addressing the latter issue soon, and do have plans to make a fix so that colorblind players won't have a disadvantage.

How to Get No Name

As of right now, you can only do this on a mobile device! To make your name blank in Among Us, you will need to copy the following "ㅤ" (without quotes) or go to this link and copy it there. To copy, you can tap and hold until you get the copy option available to you. Now that you have it copied, go into the game and when you are able to edit your name, delete what is currently there, and then tap in the edit area to paste in the blank space. Your cursor should move a space over which tells you that you've done it correctly! Hit Done and you will now have an invisible name.

Getting a blank name in Among Us

You can then enter the game and your character should now have no name. The other players will now possibly have a harder time identifying you, which might possibly make you more effective at the game. This has been patched out of the PC version, so don't be surprised if it isn't long for this world on mobile. I imagine it gets removed in the next major patch, but as of right now we do not know when that will be released.

If you're having trouble getting this to work on your mobile device, then you can check out how it's done step-by-step in this video.

You can find more of our coverage of the game in our Among Us category!


Florance Siggers

Update: 2022-12-22