
How to do the Lacrosse Move aka The Michigan Deke in NHL 21

NHL 21 has just released and like many players you are probably looking to try out all the new moves! Well, some of these are a bit challenging to pull off, so you will want to make sure to hit the practice mode and make sure you you've got them down. Once you've worked them into your muscle memory, you should only then give them a try in a live game. If you end up trying something you haven't got locked down, you might cost your team the match! While some of these moves are fairly easy, one particularly difficult one is known as the Lacrosse Move, which is more commonly known as The Michigan.

This is a pretty fancy move, because you launch the puck into the air, hook it on your stick and then wing it into the goal! If you're going for style points and to surprise your opponent, then this is definitely a move you should add to your arsenal.

Completing The Michigan Deke

To do the Lacrosse Move in NHL 21, you will want to be behind the goal of your opponent with the puck. For a left-handed player, bring the puck to the left side by press left on the right stick. Press L1 or LB depending on your platform, then click in the right stick. Once you have the stick clicked inwards, you will then want to rotate the right stick half a circle in a counter-clockwise direction. This pretty much emulates the motion of how you would launch the puck behind you with the stick.

If you're using a right-handed player, you will want to do the opposite. Press the right stick to the right to bring the puck to your right side. Then press the L1 or LB button on your controller, and then click in the right stick. You will then rotate the right stick half a circle in a clockwise direction to complete the move.

The key to getting this move to work is timing the button interactions precisely. I highly recommend checking out the video below for a look at timing it correctly:


Filiberto Hargett

Update: 2023-05-01