
Glitch puts Dark Depths thematic event cosmetics in Apex Legends early

When the Raiders Event Collection went live in Apex Legends, it brought a whole bunch of event cosmetics with it. The problem? Not all of the were from the Raiders event. A game glitch has caused cosmetics from an upcoming thematic event currently called “Dark Depths” in the code, with an octopus symbol as its icon to be available in normal Apex Packs. Many players were confused upon opening Apex Packs and receiving items that shouldn’t be in the game yet.

Well-respected dataminer and leaker Shrugtal shared images of some of the available cosmetics, and if you were lucky, you could already have unlocked them in an Apex Pack. They cannot be found the in Raiders Collection Event Packs, only normal Apex Packs.

Related: Players can craft Double Tap Trigger Hop-Ups due to glitch in Apex Legends

The Dark Depths event is not a collection event, but is a thematic event, most likely run similarly to the Monsters Within event, which also had its cosmetics in normal Apex Packs. If that is the case, the future event will last for three weeks, and is to be expected later in Season 11.

Did you get a glitched pack?

For more Apex Legends content, check out How to check how many Apex Packs you’ve opened in Apex Legends on Pro Game Guides.


Reinaldo Massengill

Update: 2023-04-05