
Full Chinese Technology Tree in Age of Empires IV | Units, Buildings, and Upgrades

Age of Empires IV is a real-time strategy game that requires you to memorize tech trees to play effectively and get units out as soon as possible when you need them. However, each civilization has unique features and units, so remembering the prerequisites for each one can be difficult.

Full Chinese Tech Tree

The tech tree below is sorted in ascending order by Civilization Age, then alphabetically by Building and the units/upgrades they provide at that Age. If a unit/upgrade is nested in another unit/upgrade, the parent list item is a prerequisite to the child list item.

Dark Age

The following buildings and units become available in the Dark Age.

  • Tang Dynasty Bonus (Only applies to the Dark Age)
    • Scouts Gain +30% line of sight.
  • Barbican of the Sun (Landmark)
  • Barracks
    • Dark Age
      • Spearman
        • Hardened Spearman
          • Veteran Spearman (Castle Age)
            • Elite Spearman (Imperial Age)
    • Castle Age
      • Palace Guard
        • Elite Palace Guard (Imperial Age)
    • Imperial Age
      • Battle Hardened
  • Dock
    • Dark Age
      • Fishing Boat
      • Transport Ship
    • Feudal Age
      • Trade Ship
      • Junk
      • Extended Lines
        • Drift Nets (Castle Age)
      • Additional Sails
    • Castle Age
      • War Junk
      • Explosive Junk
      • Extra Hammocks
      • Navigator Lookout
      • Extra Ballista
    • Imperial Age
      • Baochuan
      • Chaser Cannons
      • Explosives
  • Farm
  • House
  • Imperial Academy
    • Feudal Age
      • Imperial Examinations
  • Lumber Camp
    • Dark Age
      • Forestry
    • Feudal Age
      • Double Broadax
        • Lumber Preservation (Castle Age)
          • Crosscut Saw (Imperial Age)
  • Mill
    • Dark Age
      • Survival Techniques
      • Wheelbarrow
    • Feudal Age
      • Professional Scouts
      • Horticulture
        • Fertilization (Castle Age)
          • Precision Cross-Breeding (Imperial Age)
  • Mining Camp
    • Feudal Age
      • Specialized Pick
        • Acid Distillation (Castle Age)
          • Cupellation (Imperial Age)
  • Outpost
    • Feudal Age
      • Handcannon Slits
      • Fortify Outpost
    • Castle Age
      • Springald Emplacement
    • Imperial Age
      • Cannon Emplacement
  • Palisade Gate
  • Palisade Wall
  • Town Center
    • Dark Age
      • Scout
      • Villager
      • Imperial Officer
    • Feudal Age
      • Textiles

Related: All Chinese Civilization Masteries in Age of Empires IV

Feudal Age

The following buildings and units become available in the Feudal Age.

  • Song Dynasty Bonus (Only applies to the Feudal Age)
    • Villager product time reduces by -35%
    • Unique Building: Village
    • Unique Unit: Zhuge Nu
  • Archery Range
    • Feudal Age
      • Archer
        • Veteran Archer (Castle Age)
          • Elite Archer (Imperial Age)
      • Zhuge Nu
        • Veteran Zhuge Nu (Castle Age)
          • Elite Zhuge Nu (Imperial Age)
    • Castle Age
      • Crossbowman
        • Elite Crossbowman (Imperial Age)
    • Imperial Age
      • Hand Cannoneer
      • Grenadier
  • Astronomical Clocktower (Landmark)
    • Castle Age
      • Clocktower Springald
      • Clocktower Nest of Bees
      • Clocktower Counterweight Trebuchet
    • Imperial Age
      • Clocktower Bombard
  • Battering Ram
  • Blacksmith
    • Feudal Age
      • Bloomery
        • Decarbonization (Castle Age)
          • Damascus Steel (Imperial Age)
      • Steeled Arrow
        • Balanced Projectiles (Castle Age)
          • Platecutter Point (Imperial Age)
      • Fitted Leatherwork
        • Insulated Helm (Castle Age)
          • Mastered Smiths (Imperial Age)
      • Iron Undermesh
        • Wedge Rivets (Castle Age)
          • Angled Surfaces (Imperial Age)
      • Siege Engineering
    • Castle Age
      • Military Academy
  • Imperial Palace (Landmark)
  • Market
    • Feudal Age
      • Trader
  • Siege Tower
  • Stable
    • Feudal Age
      • Scout
      • Horseman
        • Veteran Horseman (Castle Age)
          • Elite Horseman (Imperial Age)
    • Castle Age
      • Lancer
        • Elite Lancer (Imperial Age)
      • Fire Lancer
        • Elite Fire Lancer (Imperial Age)
  • Stone Wall
  • Stone Wall Gate
  • Stone Wall Tower

Castle Age

The following buildings and units become available in the Castle Age.

  • Yuan Dynasty Bonus (Only applies to the Feudal Age)
    • Villagers, officials, and military units gain +15% speed.
    • Unique Building: Granary
    • Unique Unit: Fire Lancer
  • Great Wall Gatehouse (Landmark)
  • Keep
    • Castle Age
      • Springald Emplacement
      • Boiling Oil
      • Extra Materials
    • Imperial Age
      • Cannon Emplacement
  • Monastery
    • Castle Age
      • Monk
      • Herbal Medicine
    • Imperial Age
      • Piety
      • Tithe Barns
  • Siege Workshop
    • Castle Age
      • Springald
      • Nest of Bees
      • Counterweight Trebuchet
      • Greased Axles
    • Imperial Age
      • Bombard
      • Roller Shutter Triggers
      • Reload Drills
      • Reuseable Barrels
      • Pyrotechnics
      • Siege Works
  • Spirit Way (Landmark)

Imperial Age

The following buildings and units become available in the Imperial Age.

  • Ming Dynasty Bonus (Only applies to the Feudal Age)
    • Military Units gain +10% health.
    • Unique Building: Pagoda
    • Unique Unit: Grenadier
  • Enclave of the Emperor (Landmark)
  • University
    • Imperial Age
      • Chemistry
      • Geometry
      • Biology
      • Incendiary Arrows
      • Court Architects
      • Ancient Techniques
      • Elite Army Tactics

That's the entire tech tree for the Chinese Civilization!

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Reinaldo Massengill

Update: 2023-04-20