Fortnite Burst Assault Rifle (Famas) Damage, Stats, Clip Size, Rarities, Where-to Find!
The burst rifle is a new addition to Fortnite: Battle Royale. We cover all of the information about this weapon with damage, stats, magazine size, rarities, where-to find it, and tips and tricks that should help you master this gun.
Image from Fortnite Tracker
Release Date: May 16th, 2018 (Was delayed and rescheduled for the 16th)
Keep in mind that this weapon is unconfirmed right now. It was first rumored when it was found in a patch by Fortnite Tracker, and then the official Fortnite Twitter account tweeted the following:
A new week, a new patch! v4.2 is gliding in May 15, with downtime beginning at 4am ET (08:00 GMT). Burst onto the battlefield, tomorrow. - Source
I think this is going to be a really good weapon and will compete against the SCAR for end game viability. The blue burst assault rifle was already a solid choice and could at times compete with the purple SCAR. Once assault rifles got damage drop off and had their headshot damage reduced, it fell back a bit in popularity. Now with purple and gold versions of a likely more accurate gun coming out, this will for sure be a popular choice.
Burst Assault Rifle Ammo Type & Magazine Size
The burst assault uses medium ammo and has a 30 round magazine with a 2.5 second reload time for epic and 2.5 seconds for the legendary version.
Burst Assault Rifle Damage & Stats
The burst assault rifle does 32 / 33 (Epic/Legendary) to the body and 64 / 66 (Epic/Legendary) damage for each head shot.
Burst Assault Rifle Where-to Find
The burst assault rifle comes in epic and legendary versions. You'll be able to find these in Floor Loot, Treasure Chests, Supply Drops, and Vending Machines.