
Best Hunter Decks for Scholomance (June 2022) – Standard & Wild!

Hunter might be looked at as one of the prime aggressive classes, but it has also had quite a few different variations as well! To demonstrate that, we'll be looking at the best Hearthstone Hunter decks you can play with in the Scholomance Academy expansion. The class got some different tools to work with, so there's some interesting new options to now bring to the standard or wild ladder.

Hunter has a long history of being a powerful class. It was one of the first classes to be nerfed due to a very powerful deck called Deathrattle Hunter. It was fueled by the very strong Undertaker card, and dominated the meta until its power was reduced. Hunter also frequently had the powerful Midrange variant at its disposal which would generally play a minion that needed to be dealt every single turn up until turn six when Savannah Lion would take games over. Hunter would also famously be the poster class for extremely aggressive decks like Face Hunter. This archetype would also require some nerfs, but that doesn't stop it from popping up again and again as new cards come into the game!

Best Hunter Decks for Scholomance Standard

The best decks for Hunter right now is Face Hunter and Highlander Hunter! Face Hunter has popped up early, but that's to be expected with a bunch of untested decks going against a super aggressive list. Highlander is still being tinkered with, but it isn't seeing a ton of play right now.

Face Hunter

Face Hunter was already a quality deck prior to Scholomance, but it looks like aggressive decks to some additional power cards in the expansion. Voracious Reader in particular stands out as a card that will give you some additional cards after you dump your hand, which is a common issue with fast decks. Tour Guide also pairs incredibly well with Hunter, getting a free hero power which equals easy damage is always nice to have.

2x - Adorable Infestation2x - Intrepid Initiate
2x - Dwarven Sharpshooter2x - Tour Guide
2x - Wolpertinger2x - Voracious Reader
2x - Freezing Trap
2x - Phase Stalker
2x - Pressure Plate
2x - Scavenger's Ingenuity
2x - Animal Companion
2x - Eaglehorn Bow
2x - Kill Command
1x - Unleash the Hounds
1x - Dragonbane
2x - Hyena Alpha

Deck Code

AAECAR8C2wmHsAMOqAK1A4cE/gyfpQOipQP7rwP8rwP/ugPczAObzQOizgPG0QO50gMA Copy Code

Highlander Hunter

Highlander Hunter is still a good option to take onto the ladder. It's a pretty expensive deck, so I don't recommend crafting it if you don't have a lot of the cards already. The deck didn't get much help from Scholomance, and is only really playing Transfer Student at the moment.

1x - Dwarven Sharpshooter1x - Blazing Battlemage
1x - Tracking1x - Guardian Augmerchant
1x - Corrosive Breath1x - Bonechewer Brawler
1x - Imprisoned Felmaw1x - Faerie Dragon
1x - Scavenger's Ingenuity1x - Transfer Student
1x - Animal Companion1x - Zephrys the Great
1x - Desert Spear1x - Scalerider
1x - Diving Gryphon1x - Evasive Feywing
1x - Primordial Explorer1x - Frizz Kindleroost
1x - Stormhammer1x - Big Ol' Whelp
1x - Unleash the Hounds1x - Evasive Wyrm
1x - Zixor, Apex Predator1x - Siamat
1x - Dragonbane1x - Dragonqueen Alexstrasza
1x - Rotnest Drake
1x - Veranus
1x - Dinotamer Brann
1x - Nagrand Slam

Deck Code


Off-Meta Hunter Decks

Prior to Expansion: Quest Hunter

If you're looking to play something a bit off the beaten path then Quest Hunter is a solid option. The deck seeks to get a bunch of minions onto the board to complete the quest, and then use the new Ramkahen Roar hero power to give +2 Attack to wide boards which should hopefully overrun your opponent!

2x - Clear the Way2x - Hench-Clan Hogsteed
2x - Tracking2x - Knife Juggler
1x - Unseal the Vault2x - Licensed Adventurer
2x - Desert Spear2x - Questing Explorer
2x - Diving Gryphon2x - Bone Wraith
2x - Unleash the Hounds2x - Cult Master
2x - Swarm of Locusts1x - Sky Gen'ral Kragg
2x - Faceless Corruptor
1x - Shu'ma
1x - Sea Giant

Deck Code


Best Hunter Decks for Scholomance Wild

Wild can be a bit difficult to predict, so here's a look at some decks that have been successful on the Wild ladder. You will find that the meta of Wild doesn't fluctuate as much as Standard does when a new expansion is released. This generally only happens if one Standard deck in particular is very dominant. Normally, you will notice that just the most powerful cards out of the set find their way into decks.

Prior to Expansion: Wild Secret Hunter

With Highlander Hunter getting a nerf, it looks like Secret Hunter has stepped back into the spotlight for the class and is a good option in Wild.

2x - Cat Trick2x - Mad Scientist
1x - Explosive Trap2x - Sunreaver Spy
1x - Freezing Trap2x - Transfer Student
1x - Glaivezooka2x - Lifedrinker
2x - Pack Tactics1x - Genn Greymane
2x - Phase Stalker
2x - Pressure Plate
2x - Quick Shot
2x - Wandering Monster
1x - Dragonbane
2x - Flanking Strike
2x - Hyena Alpha
1x - Deathstalker Rexxar

Deck Code


That's all of the top Hunter meta decks right now in the Scholomance Hearthstone expansion! We'll be adding more lists in the future as things are discovered and new cards are released.


Kelle Repass

Update: 2022-12-24