
Apex Legends Bangalore Guide – Tips, Abilities, & Skins!

Our Apex Legend Bangalore Guide walks you through all of the information you'll need to know to get the most out of this Legend. We're taking a look at her background information abilities, ultimate, tips, tricks, skins, and featuring some wallpapers for the class!

Bangalore is more of your standard shooter character. She's good in the midst of a battle, she can be tactical with her Smoke Launcher, and she can evade enemies with her passive. Her ultimate is solid for forcing enemies to move out of a potentially problematic area, and can even deal some heavy damage if they stick around too long.

Bangalore Character Information

“Name the weapon--I'll still beat you.”

Professional Soldier

Born into a military family where she, her parents, and her four older brothers all served in the IMC Armed Forces, Bangalore has been an exceptional soldier since she was young. She was top of her class at the IMC Military Academy and the only cadet who could take apart a Peacekeeper, equip it with a Precision Choke hop-up, and put it back together in under twenty seconds – blindfolded.

Three years ago, Anita and her brother Jackson were ordered to retrieve a mercenary fleet from the Outlands to aid in the IMC’s fight against the Militia. However, their unit lost contact with IMC HQ and were ambushed on arrival. The squad scattered, but Jackson stayed behind to give his sister time to escape. Alone and with no way home, Anita put her training, extensive weapon knowledge, and competitive spirit to work by joining the Apex Games. Now, she fights to raise money for passage back to the IMC home base, where she hopes to reunite with what remains of her family.

Bangalore's Voice Actor

Bangalore is voiced by Erica Luttrell!

Introduction Video

Apex Legends Legend Guides Coverage

What Are Bangalore's Abilities?

Tactical Ability: Smoke Launcher

Fire a high-velocity smoke canister that explodes into a smoke wall on impact.

This ability can be very versatile and can be extremely advantageous if used in tandem with certain attachments and other characters. Smoke can be thrown in both offensive and defensive situations.

If your team is wanting to be aggressive towards an enemy, you can throw the smoke on top of them or right in front of them to obscure their vision. This allows you to move forward without being seen and can potentially even flank. This also potentially forces them to move, so if they are in a spot that

If you are trying to escape or play on the defensive, it's better to throw the smoke down towards the enemy but closer to yourself. This makes vision of your movements harder to see and can hopefully help you get out of there.

Passive Ability: Double Time

Taking fire while sprinting makes you move faster for a brief time.

This is a nice ability but there's not a lot to say about it. If there's gunfire being flung around then you will get a temporary boost of speed. This obviously helps you evade danger, but can also help you close distance towards your enemy if you are planning on an aggressive play.

One thing to note is that you need to be sprinting at the time the bullets are being fired to get the speed boost. For additional speed make sure to holster your weapon, probably not the best idea for attacking but it will get you out of the fray if you are trying to escape.

Ultimate Ability: Rolling Thunder

Call in an artillery strike that slowly creeps across the landscape.

Bangalore's ultimate is probably best used for flushing a team out of an advantageous position. That's not to say it can't actually land and deal damage, it's just a bit on the slow side and most players are going to be able to escape before the rockets end up landing.

The way it is used is that you throw a flare on the ground. This will then call in an artillery strike, and you'll see a bunch of markers hit the ground. Once they've all landed the actual strike will begin. The missiles land in kind of a box and will scatter away from the direction the flare was thrown in. The missiles do not land behind the flare (behind being the direction you threw it from), and will only land ahead of it. This is best demonstrated in the video below.

You'll also notice when this ultimate goes off that there's a ton of smoke and dirt kicked up. This can be really useful with a character like Bloodhound that can see enemies through smoke with their own ultimate. If you have a Legendary optic that will show targets that will also be useful.

How-to Use Bangalore: Tips & Tricks

  • Your class pairs extremely well with Bloodhound. If Bloodhound has their ultimate, you can throw down your smoke on an enemy squad and let them go to town. They can see people within the smoke as red outline and track their footsteps. It will be really hard for the enemy team to do much about it.
  • Be on the look out for the Legendary Optics called Digital Threat. These give you the ability to highlight enemies which pairs extremely well with your smoke and your ultimate. You can get one of these for your Shotgun, SMG, Pistol, or Sniper Rifle.
  • Using your smoke on top of an enemy and immediately following it up with your ultimate can be a potential way to land it on your enemies. Most of the time the ultimate is going to be used for zoning people out, but there will be instances where it will actually land.
  • You can throw your smokes and ultimate from quite a bit of distance. There can be a tendency to think an area is too far away, but it's worth checking if you can reach it or not.
  • Smoke can be used to help obscure an area and allow you to revive a fallen teammate. If you see your teammate attempting to revive someone, you can also throw it on top of them for some cover. You can also do this on yourself when you are healing for extra protection.
  • Due to her passive ability, Bangalore is kind of made for jumping in and out of the fray. She excels most when bouncing in and out of combat, so running shotguns or SMGs is probably your best bet.
  • If you see an enemy Bloodhound your smoke is not going to be nearly as effective. Their ultimate will be able to see you through it, and their primary ability can show your location.
    • Later in the game, you'll need to be more careful with smoke because other player's will likely have Legendary Optics that can see through it. It still can be used, but you don't want to rely on sitting in it for cover.
  • Generally you don't want to enter your smoke if you are using it on offensive or defense. Go around the smoke, most players will expect you to run through it but it obscures your vision as much as any other character.
  • If a building has big enough gaps in its roof then Bangalore's ultimate can land inside of it. This can be unexpected and potentially deal damage or flush out an enemy.
  • While you are regenerating your shields, you can still fire off a smoke. This is nice if you were healing up and come under fire but don't want to interrupt it.

Bangalore Skins List

Take a look at some of the skins options for Bangalore!



Bangalore Wallpapers

We've got some wallpapers of Bangalore so you can dress up your desktop! They are both 1920x1080 in size, you can click to enlarge them.


Reinaldo Massengill

Update: 2023-02-15