
All New World Weapon Skill Trees

Each of the main skill trees for players of New World revolve around a specific weapon of choice. Players can bounce between the two trees provided for each weapon of their choosing. We'll cover all the possible options within every weapon skill tree.

Sword & Shield Skill Trees


Active Abilities:

  • Leaping Strike - Leap four meters and deal 135% weapon damage.
    • Final Strike
    • Cowarldly Punishment
  • Whirling Blade - Two meter AOE dealing 145% weapon damage.
    • Opportunity
    • Tactical Strike
  • Reverse Stab - Stab behind the player for 175% weapon damage.
    • Unstoppable Stab
    • Tactician

Passive Skills:

  • Precision
  • Mobility
  • Opportunist
  • Confidence
  • Empowered Stab
  • Freeing Justice
  • Counter Attack
  • Critical Precision
  • Achilles Heel
  • Leadership


Active Abilities:

  • Defiant Stance - Reduce the incoming base damage of attackers by 30% for eight seconds.
    • Final Countdown
    • Restoration
  • Shield Rush - Rush forward five meters, knocking back foes and dealing 125% weapon damage.
    • Improved Rush
    • Intimidating Rush
  • Shield Bash - Deals 50% weapon damage and stuns foes for two seconds.
    • Intimidating Bash
    • Concussive Bash

Passive Skills:

  • Sturdy Shield
  • Elemental Resistance
  • One With the Shield
  • Final Blow
  • Sturdy Grip
  • Defensive Training
  • Fortitude
  • Recuperation
  • High Grip
  • Defensive Formation

Rapier Skill Trees


Active Abilities:

  • Tondo - Slash that deals 100% weapon damage over 12 seconds and adds bleeding damage. Can be stacked three times.
    • Thirst for Blood
    • And Again
    • Proper Spacing
  • Flurry - Five quick strikes with each dealing more damage than the last.
    • Overwhelm
    • Fleeting Strikes
    • To the Bone
    • Finalize
  • Flourish & Finish - Flourish is a knockback attack, and Finish is a light attack thrown on the end of Flourish to lunge and consume all bleeds dealing 110% weapon damage.
    • With Flair
    • Swagger
    • Fuel
    • Bloody End

Passive Skills:

  • Refreshing Strikes
  • Unerring
  • Heavy Puncture
  • Engarde
  • Light Edge


Active Abilities:

  • Evade - Sidestep to provide the player with momentary invulnerability.
    • Breathe In
    • Allegro
    • Adagio
    • Crescendo
  • Riposte - Defensive stance that will counter an attacker facing them briefly. If successful, players are made invulnerable for 1.5 seconds.
    • Insult to Injury
    • Priority
    • Lasting Consequence
  • Fleche - 10 meter lunge attack that deals 145% weapon damage to enemies in the AOE.
    • Quick Lunge
    • Backside
    • Interruption

Passive Skills:

  • Desperation
  • Red Curtains
  • Controlled Breathing
  • Perfectionist
  • Swiftness
  • Momentum

Hatchet Skill Trees


Active Abilities:

  • Feral Rush - Two-hit sprint attack dealing 115% weapon damage on the first hit and 130% on the second.
    • Dispatch
    • Crippling Strikes
  • Berserk - Sends the character into a Berserk Mode, making all attacks deal 20% more damage for 15 seconds.
    • On the Hunt
    • Berserking Refresh
    • Berserking Purge
    • Uninterruptible Berserk
  • Raging Torrent - Four swift attacks each dealing 90% weapon damage.
    • Aggressive Approach
    • Final Blow

Passive Skills:

  • Enraged Strikes
  • Against All Odds
  • Frenzied Purge
  • Accumulated Power
  • Relentless Fury
  • Fortifying Strikes
  • Desperate Refresh
  • Defy Death


Active Abilities:

  • Rending Throw - Axe throw dealing 110% weapon damage, applying Rend, reducing the target's damage absorption by 10% for 10 seconds.
    • Targeted Impact
    • Opportunistic
    • Second Wind
  • Social Distancing - Throws an axe forward, while dodging backward. Deals 130% weapon damage and slow targets by 15% for three seconds.
    • Quick Power
    • Stay Back
  • Infected Throw - Throws an axe dealing 150% weapon damage and sets disease and weaken on the target for five seconds.
    • Mortal Power
    • Aerial Transmission

Passive Skills:

  • Aimed Throw
  • Refreshing Throws
  • Boot and Rally
  • Rejuvenating Crits
  • Critical Throw
  • Exploitation
  • On Fire
  • Adrenaline Rush
  • Persistent Hinderance

Spear Skill Trees


Active Abilities:

  • Cyclone - A spinning AOE that deals 100% weapon damage, pushes enemies back three meters, and applies 50% Slow to them for three seconds.
    • Invigorating Combo
    • Strong Momentum
  • Javelin - Throw the spear to deal 125% weapon damage and stagger the target.
    • Forceful Impact
    • Refreshing Precision
    • Deadly Distance
  • Sweep - Sweeps the target's legs out from under them, dealing 75% weapon damage and knocking them prone.
    • Tenacious Sweep
    • Coup de Grace

Passive Skills:

  • Deadly Consistency
  • Deadly Reach
  • Refreshing Reach
  • Invigorating Crits
  • Strong Conditioning
  • Evasive Maneuvers
  • Merciless Strength
  • Defensive Stance
  • Reserved Strength


Active Abilities:

  • Perforate - Three quick strikes that each deal 70% weapon damage and apply Rend to targets, reducing their damage absorption by 5% for 10 seconds.
    • Rupturing Strikes
    • Impactful Strikes
  • Skewer - A rush spear attack dealing 125% weapon damage. Applies bleed to the target, dealing 10% weapon damage for a 10 second DPS.
    • Deadly Ambush
    • Follow Through
    • Deep Wound
  • Vault Kick - Use the spear to kick a target, dealing 75% weapon damage and stunning them for 1.5 seconds.
    • Relentless Blows
    • Continuous Motion

Passive Skills:

  • Precise Jabs
  • Crippling Jabs
  • Unerring Precision
  • Exacerbating Crits
  • Refreshing Jabs
  • Finishing Blows
  • Aggressive Maneuvers
  • Exposed Wounds
  • Exploited Weakness

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Great Axe Skill Trees


Active Abilities:

  • Charge - Charge 10 meters, dealing 120% weapon damage. This ability is unstoppable.
    • Frenzied Momentum
    • Unpredictable Strike
  • Reap - AOE that pulls enemies within five meters of the player, dealing 110% weapon damage to each target.
    • The Collector
    • Hunger
    • Fatal Attraction
  • Execute - An overheard swing dealing 200% weapon damage. Deals 30% more damage against enemies under 50% health.
    • Unstoppable Greed
    • Executioner

Passive Skills:

  • Critical Gains
  • Frustration
  • Keen Edge
  • Feed
  • Greed
  • Death's Embrace
  • Critical Condition
  • Executioner's Speed
  • Blood Lust


Active Abilities:

  • Whirlwind - Spin AOE attack dealing 50% weapon damage up to four times in a row.
    • Gusting Winds
    • Unending Winds
    • Surrounded
  • Maelstrom - An AOE spin and pull attack dealing 110% weapon damage.
    • Storm's Reach
    • Absorb
    • No Reprieve
  • Gravity Well - Create a vortex with a thrown axe to pull enemies within 10 meters towards the player for three seconds. Deals 125% burst weapon damage.
    • Crowded Well
    • Unyielding

Passive Skills:

  • Mauler's Resolve
  • Gravity
  • Center of Attention
  • Heavy Pull
  • Enduring Strike
  • Revenge

Warhammer Skill Tree


Active Abilities:

  • Armor Breaker - Smashes through armor with 35% armor penetration and 140% weapon damage.
    • Indomitable
    • Lasting Trauma
    • Opening Act
  • Mighty Gavel - Leaping attack dealing 160% weapon damage.
    • Summary Judgement
    • Impact Fracture
    • Expedite
    • Justice for All
  • Wrecking Ball - Smash attack that flattens enemies, dealing 120% weapon damage.
    • Safety Measures
    • Breathing Room

Passive Skills:

  • Epitome of Bonk!
  • Exhaustive Attacks
  • Quick Recovery
  • Hammer Time
  • Hardened Steel
  • Contemption
  • Power Through Pain

Crowd Crusher

Active Abilities:

  • Shockwave - Three meter AOE dealing 80% weapon damage and stunning enemies for two seconds.
    • Frailty
    • Meteoric Crater
  • Clear Out - Knock back attack tossing enemies four meters back and dealing 115% weapon damage.
    • Power Cleaner
    • Clean and Refreshed
    • Swing Away
  • Path of Destiny - A wave attack dealing 110% weapon damage to all in it's path.
    • Seismic Wave
    • Stimulated Reduction

Passive Skills:

  • Outnumbered
  • Facilitated Expedition
  • Resurgence
  • I Can Do This All Day
  • Guarded Sprint
  • Acceleration
  • Concussive Impact
  • Prevailing Spirit
  • Aftershock

Bow Skill Trees


Active Abilities:

  • Poison Shot - An arrow that creates a three meter AOE of poison for six seconds dealing 10% weapon DPS for 20 seconds.
    • Infected Arrow
    • Direct Hit
  • Evade Shot - A leaping shot, moving the player back five meters and dealing 125% weapon damage.
    • Evasive Knockback
    • Go The Distance
  • Rain of Arrows - An AOE arrow barrage seven meters wide, that deals 150% weapon damage.
    • Barred Arrows
    • Hooked Arrows

Passive Skills:

  • Archer's Speed
  • Battle Precision
  • Catch Me If You Can
  • Closing In
  • Dodge and Weave
  • Evasive Tactics
  • Hunter's Insight
  • Impale
  • Knee Shot
  • Mark


Active Abilities:

  • Rapid Shot - Three arrows, the first two dealing 100% weapon damage, and the third knocksback and deals 125% weapon damage.
    • Rapid Accuracy
    • Final Blow
  • Penetrating Shot - A single arrow shot, dealing 100% weapon damage and passing through all enemies in that direction for 100 meters.
    • Blood Soaked Arrow
    • Deep Strike
  • Splinter Shot - An arrows that splits into three, each dealing 50% weapon damage.
    • Scatter Shot
    • Calculated

Passive Skills:

  • Aim True
  • Arrow Range
  • Bullseye
  • Concussion
  • Finishing Shot
  • Hawkeye
  • Long Range
  • Opening Strike
  • Surprise Attack
  • Unbreakable Focus

Musket Skill Trees


Active Abilities:

  • Powder Burn - Overloaded gunpowder shot that deals burn damage on top of the shot dealing 110% weapon damage and burns for 20% weapon damage for nine seconds.
    • Backdraft
    • Chronic Trauma
  • Power Shot - An overloaded shot that cannot be stacked or combined dealing 150% weapon damage.
    • Initial Engagement
    • First Blood
    • Bullseye
  • Shooter's Stance - A stance that enhances all shots made within it to deal 100% weapon damage, reduce mobility to zero, and reduce reload time by 75%.
    • Shoot More
    • Marksman

Passive Skills:

  • Ballistic Advantage
  • Called Shot
  • Called Shot Resupply
  • Critical Reload
  • Empowering Headshot
  • Greater Accuracy
  • Heightened Precision
  • Hit Your Mark
  • Sniper


Active Abilities:

  • Stopping Power - Overloaded shot deals 120% weapon damage, staggering the target and knocking them back three meters.
    • Lasting Impression
    • Supplementary Repulsion
  • Traps - Throws a trap out that lasts 20 seconds and roots an enemy who walks threw it for three seconds.
    • Trapped Damage
    • Scent of Blood
    • Double Trap
  • Sticky Bomb - A short range bomb that sticks to the surface it's thrown against, detonating within three seconds, it deals a 175% weapon damage three meter AOE.
    • Unflinching Walk
    • Sticky Slow

Passive Skills:

  • Back It Up
  • Empowering Weakness
  • Energy Burst
  • Hustle
  • Kick 'Em When They're Down
  • Lethal Combo
  • Salt On The Wounds
  • Tactical Reload
  • Weakened Defense

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Fire Staff Skill Trees

Fire Mage

Active Abilities:

  • Pillar of Fire - A targeted spell dealing 134% weapon damage.
    • First Strike
    • Arson's Advantage
  • Meteor Shower - An AOE of raining meteors dealing 34% weapon damage on impact and 20% weapon DPS.
    • Immolation
    • Fiery Determination
    • Judgement of Helios
  • Fireball - A single fireball dealing 140% weapon damage leaving a three meter burning field dealing 10% weapon DPS.
    • Scorched Earth
    • Catch

Passive Skills:

  • Clear Casting
  • Clear Mind
  • Fiery Restoration
  • Flare
  • Prophet Of A Fire God
  • Runes Of Helios
  • Singe
  • Spell Focus
  • Spellslinger


Active Abilities:

  • Incinerate - Fiery AOE explosion dealing 130% damage and knocking enemies back three meters. Additionally, catches enemies on fire dealing 3% weapon DPS for six seconds.
    • Scorched
    • Cauterize Wounds
    • Flame Out!
  • Flamethrower - Jet of flame dealing 34% weapon DPS. Additionally, catches enemies on fire dealing 3% weapon DPS for six seconds.
    • Fire's Reach
    • Infernal Flames
    • Pyro Dance
  • Burn Out - Dash through enemies dealing 129% weapon damage. Enemies caught in the path will catch fire, dealing 10% weapon DPS for eight seconds.
    • All In
    • Heat It Up!

Passive Skills:

  • Combat Speed
  • Heat It Up
  • Kindle
  • Let It Burn
  • Pyromania
  • Reheat
  • Trial By Fire
  • Watch It Burn

Life Staff Skill Trees


Active Abilities:

  • Divine Embrace - Heal a single target for 150% weapon damage.
    • Privilege
    • Shared Struggle
    • Rebound
  • Sacred Ground - A 12 seconds AOE healing for 10% weapon DPS.
    • Holy Ground
    • Blessed
  • Splash of Light - Heal entire party for 50% weapon damage.
    • Shared Recovery
    • Purify

Passive Skills:

  • Absolved
  • Blissful Touch
  • Desperate Speed
  • Divine Blessing
  • Enchanted Justice
  • Intensify
  • Revitalize
  • Sacred Protection


Active Abilities:

  • Orb of Protection - A light projectile, granting 15% Fortify for 20 seconds, healing an ally for 10% weapon damage. Additionally, dealing 95% weapon damage when it impacts an enemy.
    • Protector's Blessing
    • Shared Protection
    • Aegis
  • Light's Embrace - Heals a single target for 75% weapon damage and an additional 30% for each buff on the target.
    • Inspire
    • Connection
    • Magnify
  • Beacon - A light projectile dealing 95% weapon damage to enemies and attached to the one it impacts. Additionally, allies near the main target will be healed 20% weapon damage for 10 seconds.
    • Infused Light
    • Radiance's Blessing
    • Speed Of Light

Passive Skills:

  • Balance
  • Bend Light
  • Defensive Light
  • Glowing Focus
  • Magnify
  • Protector's Strength
  • Protector's Touch
  • Spirit's United

Ice Gauntlet Skill Trees

Ice Tempest

Active Abilities:

  • Wind Chill - A burst of freezing wind of five meters, pushing back enemies and dealing damage to them for two seconds.
    • Enduring Chill
    • Chilling Blast
  • Ice Spikes - An eight meter straight line of ice spikes that push out of the ground pushing enemies back. The last spike deals heavy damage.
    • Refreshing Spikes
    • Empowered Spikes
    • Deadly Path
    • Spiky Reach
  • Ice Storm - A ranged AOE dealing damage and slowing to those within five meters. Those within 20 meters are slowed by 25% for five seconds.
    • Weakening Gust
    • Storm Summoner
    • Punishing Storm

Passive Skills:

  • Cold Reach
  • Critical Frost
  • Critical Rejuvenation
  • Energized Critical
  • Gathering Storm
  • Heavy Freeze
  • Ultimate Chill

Ice Conjurer

Active Abilities:

  • Ice Shower - Create an AOE of ice that is one by five meters, that stickens Will and causes Frostbite. Frostbite roots enemies, slows speed by 50% remaining for three seconds after leaving the AOE.
    • Enduring Shower
    • Quick Shower
    • Frigid Showers
  • Ice Pylon - Creates an ice pylon that fires projectiles dealing 50% weapon damage against enemies within a 20 meter range for 15 seconds.
    • Greater Pylon
    • Pylon Regen
    • Pylon Dodge
    • Pylon Refresh
    • Ultimate Frost
  • Entombed - Entombs the player in ice, making them invulnerable and increasing their mana and health regen for 10 seconds.
    • Strengthened Tomb
    • Cleansing Tomb

Passive Skills:

  • Blocking Stamina
  • Defiant Freeze
  • Empowered Frost
  • Frozen Touch
  • Quick Frost
  • Refreshing Frost
  • Ultimate Frost

For more New World content, check out How to get Hooked Squid in New World on Pro Game Guides.


Reinaldo Massengill

Update: 2023-02-22