
All Clans and Archetypes in Bloodhunt and their abilities

Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodhunt features several playable characters from which players can choose. Each character is unique in their own way and possesses three powers or abilities. Here's a guide discussing all classes and their powers in Bloodhunt Battle Royale.

There are a total of three Clans in Blood Hunt. Furthermore, every clan includes two characters, called Archetypes. You can choose any Archetype before loading into a Battle Royale match. The three powers possessed by an Archetype in the game are as follows:

  • CLAN SKILL - Ability shared with clan members. Needs activation.
  • ARCHETYPE SKILL - Unique to the character. Needs activation.
  • PASSIVE SKILL - Unique to the character. Takes into effect automatically.
  • Table of Contents BRUTE - Brujah Clan Powers VANDAL - Brujah Clan Powers SABOTEUR - Nosferatu Clan Powers PROWLER - Nosferatu Clan Powers SIREN - Toreador Clan Powers MUSE - Toreador Clan Powers ENFORCER - Ventrue Clan Powers

    BRUTE - Brujah Clan Powers

    • Clan Skill: Soaring Leap - Powerful forward jump.
    • Passive Skill: True Grit - Health replenishes up to 50% while not taking damage.
    • Archetype Skill: Shockwave Punch - Shockwave that deflects bullets.

    VANDAL - Brujah Clan Powers

    • Clan Skill: Soaring Leap - Powerful forward jump.
    • Passive Skill: Adrenaline Rush - Moderate damage resistance while in enemies' proximity
    • Archetype Skill: Earth Sock - Jump and land on the ground, delivering damage to enemies and hurling them in the air.

    SABOTEUR - Nosferatu Clan Powers

    • Clan Skill: Vanish - Brief invisibility and movement speed buff.
    • Passive Skill: Unseen Passage - Semi-invisibility when crouched.
    • Archetype Skill: Sewer Mob - Proximity triggered explosive that releases toxic gas.

    PROWLER - Nosferatu Clan Powers

    • Clan Skill: Vanish - Brief invisibility and movement speed buff.
    • Passive Skill: Sense The Beast - Severely hurt enemies leave a trail behind.
    • Archetype Skill: Scouting Famulus - Release bats that reveal enemy position temporarily, even through obstructions.

    Related: When does Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodhunt release?

    SIREN - Toreador Clan Powers

    • Clan Skill: Projection/Dash - Send out a self-projection, which you can dash to.
    • Passive Skill: Kindred Charm - Charm civilians and make them act friendly.
    • Archetype Skill: Blinding Beauty - Damage and blind nearby enemies.

    MUSE - Toreador Clan Powers

    • Clan Skill: Projection/Dash - Send out a self-projection, which you can dash to.
    • Passive Skill: Final Act - Refresh cooldowns instantly and use powers when downed.
    • Archetype Skill: Rejuvenating Voice - Heal yourself and teammates in the proximity. Interrupted while taking damage.

    ENFORCER - Ventrue Clan Powers

    • Clan Skill: Flesh of Marble - Harden your skin for a brief duration, making you fully invulnerable as long as offensive actions are not used.
    • Passive Skill: Subjugating Presence - Nearby enemies have their movement speed slowed. You are alerted when an enemy steps into your presence. 
    • Archetype Skill: Unyielding Charge - Rush forward, dealing moderate damage and silencing enemies for a brief duration. Silenced enemies cannot use their powers while affected. 
    Combat RoleSustained
    damage attacks
    damage attacks
    StyleBrutal, overt
    weapons and attacks
    Stealthy and
    RangedDefensive, Balanced, and Unwavering
    MotivationRebels with
    a cause
    AttitudesPassionate, libertarian
    and aggressive
    Secretive, cautious
    and inquisitive
    Sensual, social
    and manipulative
    Dominant, proud, and rational
    Bloodhunt Clans and their characteristics

    For similar guides, check out the Vampire Bloodhunt Homepage on Pro Game Guides.


    Kelle Repass

    Update: 2023-04-28