
All Abilities and Spells for Summoner in Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker Update

Final Fantasy XIV's Endwalker update added changes to each combat class, but the job with the most significant changes is Summoner. The wholly reimagined Mage now has an entirely new set of skills at its disposal, and learning how to use this new kit is crucial for Summoner players aiming to dominate the battlefield with the power of Primals.

We've listed each of the new and reworked Abilities, Traits, and Spells added for the Summoner in Endwalker below as described by Square Enix.

Related: Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker Patch Schedule

New Abilities, Traits, and Spells

  • Spell: Summon Carbuncle (Level 2)
    • Effect: Summons Carbuncle to your side.
  • Ability: Radiant Aegis (Level 2)
    • Effect: Order Carbuncle to execute Radiant Aegis.
      • Radiant Aegis Effect: Creates a barrer around self that absords damage totaling 20% of your maximum HP. Can only be executed while Carbuncle is summoned.
        • Maximum Charges: 2
  • Spell: Aethercharge (Level 6)
    • Effect: Grants Aethercharge increasing the potency of Ruin, Ruin II, and Ruin III by 50, and Outburst by 20.
  • Spell: Summon Ruby (Level 6)
    • Effect: Summons Ruby Carbuncle, and orders it to execute Glittering Ruby. Can only be executed while under the effect of Ruby Arcanum and Carbuncle is summoned.
      • Glittering Ruby Effect: Rishes target and deals fire damge with a potency of 400.
        • Additional Effect: Grants 2 stacks of Fire Attunement.
          • Fire Attunement Effect: Gemshine and Precious Brilliance become fire-aspected.
  • Spell: Gemshine (Level 6)
    • Effect: Channel the energies of your active elemental attunement to attack your enemy.
      • Fire Attunement Effect: Deal fire damage to a single target.
      • Eath Attunement Effect: Deal earth damage to a single target.
      • Wind Attunement Effect: Deal wind damage to a single target.
  • Spell: Ruby Ruin (Level 6)
    • Effect: Deals fire damage with a potency of 300.
      • Fire Attunement Cost: 1
  • Trait: Enhanced Aethercharge (Level 15)
    • Effect: Grants Ruby Arcanum and Topaz Arcanum upon executing Aethercharge.
  • Spell: Summon Topaz (Level 15)
    • Effect: Summons Topaz Carbuncle, and orders it to execute Glittering Topaz. Can only be activated while under the effect of Topaz Arcanum and Carbuncle is summoned.
      • Glittering Topaz Effect: Deals earth damage with a potency of 400.
        • Additional Effect: Grants 4 stacks of Earth Attunement.
          • Earth Attunement Effect: Gemshine and Precious Brilliance become earth-aspected.
  • Spell: Topaz Ruin (Level 15)
    • Effect: Deals earth damage with a potency of 240.
      • Earth Attunement Cost: 1
  • Trait: Enhanced Aethercharge II (Level 22)
    • Effect: Grants Ruby Arcanum, Topaz Arcanum, and Emerald Arcanum upon executing Aethercharge.
  • Spell: Summon Emerald (Level 22)
    • Effect: Summons Emerald Carbuncle, and order it to execute Glittering Emerald. Can only be activated while under the effect of Emerald Arcanum and Carbuncle is summoned.
      • Glittering Emerald Effect: Deals wind damage with a potency of 400.
        • Additional Effect: Grants 4 stacks of Wind Attunement.
          • Wind Attunement Effect: Gemshine and Precious Brilliance become wind-aspected.
  • Spell: Emerald Ruin (Level 22)
    • Effect: Deals wind damage with a potency of 160.
      • Wind Attunement Cost: 1
  • Spell: Precious Brilliance (Level 26)
    • Effect: Channel the energies of your active elemental attunement to attack multiple enemies.
      • Fire Attunement Effect: Deal fire damage to a target and all enemies nearby it.
      • Earth Attunement Effect: Deal earth damage to a target and all enemies nearby it.
      • Wind Attunement Effect: Deal wind damage to a target and all enemies nearby it.
  • Spell: Ruby Outburst (Level 26)
    • Effect: Deals fire damage with a potency of 140 to target and all enemies nearby it.
      • Fire Attunement Cost: 1
  • Spell: Topaz Outburst (Level 26)
    • Effect: Deals earth damage with a potency of 110 to target and all enemies nearby it.
      • Earth Attunement Cost: 1
  • Spell: Emerald Outburst (Level 26)
    • Effect: Deals wind damage with a potency of 70 to target and all enemies nearby it.
      • Wind Attunement Cost: 1
  • Trait: Ruby Summoning Mastery (Level 30)
    • Effect: Upgrades Summon Ruby to Summon Ifrit.
  • Spell: Summon Ifrit (Level 30)
    • Effect: Summons Ifrit-Egi and orders it to execute Inferno. Can only be executed while under the effect of Ruby Arcanum and Carbuncle is summoned.
      • Inferno Effect: Rushes forward and deals fire damage to all enemies in a 5-yalm cone before it wit ha potency of 600 for the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies.
        • Additional Effect: Grants 2 stacks of Fire Attunement
          • Fire Attunement Effect: Gemshine and Precious Brilliance become fire-aspected.
        • Additional Effect: Grants Ifrit's Favor. Effect of Ifrits's Favor ends upon execution of certain summoner actions.
  • Spell: Ruby Ruin II (Level 30)
    • Effect: Deals fire damage with a potency of 340.
      • Fire Attunement Cost: 1
  • Spell: Topaz Ruin II (Level 30)
    • Effect: Deals earth damage wit ha potency of 270.
      • Earth Attunement Cost: 1
  • Spell: Emerald Ruin II (Level 30)
    • Effect: Deals wind damage with a potency of 170.
      • Wind Attunement Cost: 1
  • Trait: Topaz Summoning Mastery (Level 35)
    • Effect: Upgrades Summon Topaz to Summon Titan.
  • Spell: Summon Titan (Level 35)
    • Effect: Summons Titan-Egi and orders it to execute Earthen Fury. Can only be executed while under the effect of Topaz Arcanum and Carbuncle is summoned.
      • Earthen Fury Effect: Rushes forward and deals earth damage to all enemies within 5 yalms with a potency of 600 for the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies.
        • Additional Effect: Grants 4 stacks of Earth Attunement.
          • Earth Attunement Effect: Gemshine and Precious Brilliance become earth-aspected.
  • Trait: Emerald Summoning Mastery (Level 45)
    • Effect: Upgrades Summon Emerald to Summon Garuda.
  • Spell: Summon Garuda (Level 45)
    • Effect: Summons Garuda-Egi and orders it to execute Aerial Blast. Can only be executed while under the effect of Emerald Arcanum and Carbuncle is summoned.
      • Aerial Blast Effect: Deals wind damage to target and all enemies within 5 yalms with a potency of 600 for the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies.
        • Additional Effect: Grants 4 stacks of Wind Attunement.
          • Wind Attunement Effect: Gemshine and Precious Brilliance become wind-aspected.
        • Additional Effect: Grants Garuda's Favor. Effect of Garuda's Favor ends upon execution of cetain summoner actions.
  • Trait: Enkindle (Level 50)
    • Effect: Enhances the signature attack of summons, upgrading Ifrit-Egi's Buurning Strike to Inferno, Titan-Egi's Rock Buster to Earthen Fury, and Garuda-Egi's Aerial Slash to Aerial Blast.
  • Trait: Ruin Mastery II (Level 54)
    • Effect: Upgrades Ruin II to Ruin III
  • Spell: Ruby Ruin III (Level 54)
    • Effect: Deals fire damage with a potency of 360.
      • Fire Attunement Cost: 1
  • Spell: Topaz Ruin III (Level 54)
    • Effect: Deals earth damage with a potency of 300.
      • Earth Attunement Cost: 1
  • Spell: Emerald Ruin III (Level 54)
    • Effect: Deals wind damage with a potency of 180.
      • Wind Attunement Cost: 1
  • Trait: Aethercharge Mastery (Level 58)
    • Effect: Upgrades Aethercharge to Dreadwyrm Trance.
  • Spell: Astral Impulse (Level 58)
    • Effect: Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 430. Can only be executed while in Dreadwyrm Trance.
  • Spell: Astral Flare (Level 58)
    • Effect: Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 180 to target and all enemies nearby it. Can only be executed while in Dreadwyrm Trance.
  • Spell: Astral Flow (Level 60)
    • Effect: Channel the energies of your active trance or elemental favor to perform one of several actions.
      • Dreadwyrm Trace Effect: Ation changes to Deathflare.
      • Firebird Trance Effect: Action changes to Rekindle.
      • Ifrit's Favor Effect: Action changes to Crimson Cyclone.
      • Titan's Favor Effect: Action changes to Mountain Buster.
      • Garuda's Favor Effect: Action chages to Slipstream.
  • Trait: Enhanced Energy Siphon (Level 62)
    • Effect: Grants Further Ruin upon executing Energy Drain or Energy Siphon.
  • Ability: Searing Light (Level 66)
    • Effect: Orders Carbuncle to execute Searing Light.
      • Searing Light Effect: Increases damage dealt by self and nearby party members by 3%. Can only be executed in combat and while Carbuncle is summoned.
  • Trait: Ruin Mastery III (Level 72)
    • Enhances Gemshine according to your current elemental attunement.
      • Fire Attunement Upgrade: Ruby Rite
      • Earth Attunement Upgrade: Topaz Rite
      • Wind Attunement Upgrade: Emerald Rite
  • Spell: Ruby Rite (Level 72)
    • Effect: Deals fire damage wit ha potency of 430.
      • Fire Attunement Cost: 1
  • Spell: Topaz Rite (Level 72)
    • Effect: Deals earth damage with a potency of 330.
      • Additional Effect: Grants Titan's Favor. Effect of Titan's Favor ends upon execution of certain summoner actions.
        • Earth Attunement Cost: 1
  • Spell: Emerald Rite (Level 72)
    • Effect: Deals wind damage with a potency of 230.
      • Wind Attunement Cost: 1
  • Trait: Outburst Mastery (Level 74)
    • Effect: Upgrades Outburst to Tri-disaster.
  • Spell: Tri-disaster (Level 74)
    • Effect: Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 1230 to target and all enemies nearby it.
  • Spell: Ruby Disaster (Level 74)
    • Effect: Deals fire damage with a potency of 170 to target and all enemies nearby it.
      • Fire Attunement Cost: 1
  • Spell: Topaz Disaster (Level 74)
    • Effect: Deals earth damage with a potency of 130 to target and all enemies nearby it.
      • Earth Attunement Cost: 1
  • Spell: Emerald Disaster (Level 74)
    • Effect: Deals wind damage with a potency of 90 to target and all enemies nearby it.
      • Wind Attunement Cost: 1
  • Trait: Enhanced Summon Bahamut (Level 80)
    • Effect: Upgrades Summon Bahamut to Summon Phoenix when Demi-Bahamut returns from summoning.
  • Spell: Summon Phoenix (Level 80)
    • Enters Firebird Trance and summons Demi-Phoenix to fight by your side, which executes Everlasting Flight as it manifests. Demi-Phoenix will execute Scarlet Flame automatically on the targets attacked by you after summoning. Increases enmity in target when Demi-Phoenix is summoned. Can only be executed in combat while Carbuncle is summoned.
      • Additional Effect: Changes Ruin III to Fountain of Fire and Tri-disaster to Brand of Purgatory.
      • Additional Effect: Grants Ruby Arcanum, Topaz Arcanum, and Emerald Arcanum.

Related: Is Endwalker Final Fantasy XIV’s last expansion?

  • Ability: Rekindle (Level 80)
    • Effect: Restores own or target party member's HP. Can only be executed while in Firebird Trance.
      • Cure Potency: 400
      • Additional Effect: Grands Rekindle to target
        • Rekindle Effect: Healing over time when HP falls below 75% or upon effect duration expiration.
          • Cure Potency: 200
  • Trait: Outburst Mastery II (Level 82)
    • Effect: Enhances Precious Brilliance according to your current elemental attunement.
      • Fire Attunement Upgrade: Ruby Catastrophie
      • Earth Attunement Upgrade: Topaz Catastrophie
      • Wind Attunement Upgrade: Emerald Catastrophe
  • Spell: Ruby Catastrophe (Level 82)
    • Effect: Deals fire damage with a potency of 180 to target and all enemies nearby it.
      • Fire Attunement Cost: 1
  • Spell: Topaz Catastrophe (Level 82)
    • Effect: Deals earth damage with a potency of 140 to target and all enemies nearby it.
      • Additional Effect: Grants Titan's Favor. Effect of Titan's Favor ends upon execution of certain summoner actions.
        • Earth Attunement Cost: 1
  • Spell: Emerald Catastrophe (Level 82)
    • Effect: Deals wind damage with a potency of 100 to target and all enemies nearby it.
      • Wind Attunement Cost: 1
  • Trait: Ruin Mastery IV (Level 84)
    • Effect: Increases the potency of Ruin III to 310, Ruby Rite to 430, Topaz Rite to 330, and Emerald Rite to 230.
  • Trait: Elemental Mastery (Level 86)
    • Effect: Grants Ifrit's Favor upon executing Summon Ifrit, Titan's Favor upon executing Topaz Rite, or Topaz Catastrophe, and Garuda's Favor upon executing Summon Garuda. Enhances Astral Flow according to your current elemental favor.
      • Ifrit's Favor Upgrade: Crimson Cyclone
      • Titan's Favor Upgrade: Mountain Buster
      • Garuda's Favor Upgrade: Slipstream
  • Spell: Crimson Cyclone (Level 86)
    • Effect: Rushes forward and delivers a fire attack to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 430 for the first enemy, and 65% less for all remaining enemies. Can only be executed while under the effect of Ifrit's Favor.
  • Spell: Crimson Strike (Level 86)
    • Effect: Deals fire damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 430 for the first enemy, and 65% less for all remaining enemies.
      • Combo Action: Crimson Cyclone
  • Ability: Mountain Buster (Level 86)
    • Effect: Deals earth damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 150 for the first enemy, and 70% less for all remaining enemies. Can only be executed while under the effect of Titan's Favor.
  • Spell: Slipstream (Level 86)
    • Effect: Deals wind damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 430 for the first enemy, and 65% less for all remaining enemies. Can only be executed while under the effect of Garuda's Favor.
      • Additional Effect: Creates a windstorm centered around target, dealing damage to any enemies who enter.
        • Potency: 30
  • Trait: Enhanced Radiant Aegis (Level 88)
    • Effect: Allows the accumulation of charges for consecutive uses of Radiant Aegis.
      • Maximum Charges: 2
  • Trait: Enkindle II (Level 90)
    • Effect: Upgrades Summon Ifrit to Summon Ifrit II, Summon Titan to Summon Titan II, and Summon Garuda to Summon Garuda II.
  • Spell: Summon Ifrit II (Level 90)
    • Effect: Summons Ruby Ifrit and order it to execute Inferno. Can only be executed while under the effect of Ruby Arcanum and Carbuncle is summoned.
      • Inferno Effect: Deals fire damage to target and all enemies withing 5 yalms with a potency of 700 for the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies.
        • Additional Effect: Grants 2 stacks of Fire Attunement.
          • Fire Attunement Effect: Gemshine and Previous Brilliance become fire-aspected.
            • Additional Effect: Grants Ifrit's Favor. Effect of Ifrit's Favor ends upon execution of certain summoner actions.
  • Spell: Summon Titan II (Level 90)
    • Effect: Summons Topaz Titan and orders it to execute Earthen Fury. Can only be executed while under the effect of Topaz Arcanum and Carbuncle is summoned.
      • Earthen Fury Effect: Deals earth damage to target and all enemies withing 5 yalms with a potency of 700 for the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies.
        • Additional Effect: Grants 4 stacks of Earth Attunement.
          • Earth Attunement Effect: Gemshine and Previous Brilliance become earth-aspected.
  • Spell: Summon Garuda II (Level 90)
    • Effect: Summons Emerald Garuda and orders it to execute Aerial Blast.
      • Aerial Blast Effect: Deals wind damage to target and all enemies within 5 yalms with a potency of 700 for the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies.
        • Additional Effect: Grants 4 stacks of Wind Attunement.
          • Wind Attunement Effect: Gemshine and Previous Brilliance become wind-aspected. Effect of Garuda's Favor ends upon execution of certain summoner actions.

To see all the changes coming to Summoner in Endwalker, be sure to visit the official Square Enix Summoner Job Page.

For more on Final Fantasy XIV, be sure to check out some of our other job guides, like All Spells and Abilities for Red Mage in FFXIV Endwalker Update here on Pro Game Guides.


Filiberto Hargett

Update: 2023-05-30